Purple Lotus

One of the most dangerous plants in the world is the purple lotus, a native of the Stygian swamps. Its purple flowers conceal a deadly secret: a potent juice that can paralyze any living creature. Many sorcerers use this juice to enhance their weapons and traps, creating the illusion of magical power. The juice is extracted from the petals and stems of the plant, and applied to blades, needles, or other sharp objects. The slightest prick can cause a victim to lose all control of their muscles, rendering them helpless. The paralysis lasts for several minutes, depending on the dosage and the victim's constitution. The juice has no known antidote and can only be neutralized by heat or fire. The purple lotus is a highly sought-after commodity in the black markets of Stygia, where it is sold for exorbitant prices to those who seek an easy way to subdue their enemies or rivals.

Found at L-7 in the Jungle biome, on the shores of the island in the middle of the tiny lake just north of Eastern Barracks.

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